Diary of a Tax Girl-Electronic Version


In this book, you will learn about major tax terms in the UK that have to do with you, whether you are an employer, employee or self-employed, receiving a gift, giving gifts, building your business and much more. There is so much value in this book for anybody at any level!


SKU: dt006 Category:


One of the things I am passionate about doing is creating tax awareness in such a way that it is fun and simple to understand, especially as it could be quite complex if you have never been directly involved in the tax industry before.

Although tax terminologies and processes could appear to be knotty, they still remain a part of our daily lives and understanding them as much as possible is your obligation as an individual who lives, works or does business in the UK.

Therefore, my love for making tax easier to understand and providing you with proven and adequate tax knowledge has led to my writing this diary for you.

If you have ever met me, you probably would understand who I am and how much this book is an extension of my personality and my constant desire to employ simplistic and fun approaches to my work and relationships.

In this book, you will learn about major tax terms in the UK that have to do with you, whether you are an employer, employee or self-employed, receiving a gift, giving gifts, building your business and much more. There is so much value in this book for anybody at any level!


The purpose of this book is to create awareness, help you understand tax better and push you to further seek professional tax help for your own good.

This E-Version is not to be re-distributed and is protected by the copyright laws of the United Kingdom.



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